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Fake Reading

In Reading Workshop we talked about fake reading and below is my comment. You can read it here or go to Reading Workshop and read it on The Queen of Fake Reading, I would like it if you read it on mine not the teachers.

I fake read when we are reading in a text book. I skip ahead and read the whole page while the teacher is still on the 3rd sentence. I also sometimes fake read when I’m told to stop, just to finish a chapter. It does not help though because I go back and read it again. Also I fake read to find where I stoped.
I don’t fake read a lot, really I hardly ever fake read, unless it is a bad book. When I’m reading a good book though I may never fake read, unless I’m trying to find my place.

I’m reading Ranger’s Apprentice 4. Will is different from me because he’s a warrior. And I’m still in school. Also I have never been out in open ocean. Will has but it wasn’t his choice. So I can’t think of any way I am the same as Will.

Really being a warrior is some thing you have to practice to do. Also being in open ocean is something that can be done at any time. So the ways we are different are not permanent ways that we are different.

In Reading Workshop we talked about how we should never give. Below is my comment on that Reading Workshop post.

I think that if someone fails and they just give up, that they are not trying. Even if I get a F or I forget my stuff for math, I just try again so that I don’t forget my stuff and I get a C,B, or A. If I don’t try again I’m never going to get a A or be prepared, which means I wouldn’t get good grades I wouldn’t go to college and I would most likely get a bad job, car, and house. I would rather have a good job, car, and house but if you don’t that is fine with me.

The book I’m reading in Reading Workshop is Ranger’s Apprentice 3 The Icebound Land.

Really you should read the 1st Ranger’s Apprentice, The Ruins Of Gorlan 1st. If you don’t it won’t make sense.

The series is about Will a apprentice ranger. In this book the rangers are people who defend the kingdom, only that the normal person doesn’t know to much about the rangers (because they’re secret). So most people think they know dark magic. Will in the end has two choices, work on a farm or become a ranger. This is a series you should read in order. If you don’t it won’t make any sense, really read the 1st one then the 2nd one and so on, don’t skip around!

This is a good series if you like adventure or mid-evil (when there were knights) books. The story can change quickly, with new people,goals, or something else. The book does have the occasional bad word, but not to many, only 1-3.

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog. On this blog I will write about books I have read and the assignments  Mr. McGuire gives me.